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Getting Started

Important Notice

In the upcoming months, we are planning to change the IDs of, line items, metrics, fields, components, datatables, assemblies, component groups, and field groups. The IDs will switch to an alpha-numerical format. Project and Bid IDs are expected to remain as an integer and unchanged. All legacy bid data in our system will be updated. Breaking changes will be minimal, but are expected.


A Project contains multiple Bids and summations of the bid results. Projects also have statuses (ie. open/closed/win/loss), and can have assigned users.

Bids are self-contained, self-assessing instances that have many types of bid entities. Line Items, Metrics, Fields, Assemblies, and Components are the most common. A bid sums up the line items' values.

A Line Item is a bid entity that represents a specific cost. The line item contain basic information like cost, markup, tax, and price. Line items compute their values based on the fields, metrics, and other bid entities it depends on.

Metrics are another type of bid entity the represent only numerical values. Metrics can be configured to depend on any other bid entity and apply a mathmatical formula.

Fields have multiple type of inputs: number, boolean, list, and text. They are the primary way to manipulate a bid, though other bid entities can have their values overridden.

Components help organize line items in a nested format. Components sum the nested line items' values. Changing a component value, for example component.cost = 5000.00, will proportionally apply the value to the nested line items.

An Assembly is a special type of bid entity, that represents a package of Fields, Line Items, and Metrics. Assemblies can be inserted into a bid, adding new bid entities.

Datatables are simple object stores, typically used for pricing tables and other structured data. Fields can reference datatables to generate a selectable list with associated values.

Code Examples

The following demonstrates how to set up an authorized context, loading a project, making changes, and saving.

Create a context with an authorization token

const config = { token: "Bearer auth_token" };
const pvbid = PVBid.createContext(config);

Important Note: the token string passed to the config.token property should include Bearer prefix.

Load a self assessing Project instance

let project = await pvbid.getProject(projectId);

Setup autosave

project.onDelay("changed", 1500, "requesterId", () => project.save());

Create a new project (w/bid)

const newProject = await pvbid.repositories.projects.create({ title: "New Project" }); // initializes the new project
const project = await pvbid.getProject(newProject.id); // gets the self assessing project instance

Create a new bid in a project

const newBid = await project.createBid("Bid Title");

Choose a bid to modify

Project instances contain a list of their child bids.

let bid = project.bids[bidId];

Load bids only when you need them You can defer loading all the bids in a project. This can save load time.

const project = await pvbid.getProject(projectId, { loadBidEntities: false });

// load a bid's data when you need it...
const bid = project.bids[bidId];
await bid.load();
// self assessing bid is ready to use!

Making changes to the bid's properties

Many properties will trigger the bid to self assess. For example setting the bid.cost property will fire its assessing event. bid.title will not assess, but will flag the bid as dirty.

bid.title = "New Title";
bid.cost = 155555.99;

Find a Field by its title and modify its value

The type of bid entities include: line_item, metric, field, component, assembly, datatable, component_group, and field_group.

let fields = bid.entities.searchByTitle("field", "Customer Name");
if(fields.length > 0){
    fields[0].value = "John Doe";

Find a Metric by its id and modify its value

let metric = bid.entities.metrics(metricId);
if (metric) metric.value = 123.45;

Get a datatable row key by a linked part

const rowKey = datatable.findRowByExternalPartId('sundat', 75); // 'x4gw' (datatable row key)
field.value = rowKey; // for a list type field connected to datatable

Manually assessing the bid

It is a good idea to assess (calculate) the bid after making changes to Metrics, Fields and Variables.

// OR
bid.reassessAll(true); // forces a full reassessment of ALL entities within the bid

Manually save the bid, underlying bid entities, and parent project

Saving a project also saves the bids and underlying data. You can immediately save a project any time. However, if an underlying bid is still calculating its results, any futher changes after saving the project will not persist. When a project and bids are finished calculating, the project instance will pass an assessed event.

// OR
project.once("assessed", () => project.save());

Log a summary of the bid

     + ${bid.cost} (cost)
     + ${bid.tax} (tax)
     + ${bid.markup} (markup)
     = ${bid.price} (price)

Log a summary of the bid with a top-level component cost breakdown

Components are organized in ComponentGroups such as "Cost Codes" or "PVBid Standard". Looking at the top-level components in a group gives us a general overview of the cost breakdown within a bid.

// First, select a component group (ie. "Cost Codes" or "PVBid Standard")
const groups = bid.entities.componentGroups();
const group = Object.values(groups)
    .find(group => group.title === 'PVBid Standard');

// Next, get the top-level (summary) components for the group
const allComponents = bid.entities.components();
const componentsInGroup = Object.values(allComponents)
    .filter(component => component.componentGroupId === group.id);
const topLevelComponents = componentsInGroup
    .filter(component => !component.config.is_nested);

// Finally, display a cost summary
const componentCostSummary = topLevelComponents
    .map(c => `[$${c.cost}] ${c.title}`)
console.log(`Total: ${bid.cost}`);